Greetings Trinity Families,

WOW! We have had so many students pop into Campus Ministry to say “hi”, to attend meetings, and to help move Campus Ministry to our new location! It was great to see so many smiling faces this summer! Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and willingness to serve Our Lord!

FAITH IN ACTION PHOTOS: I’d love pictures of our youth participating in service projects for our Campus Ministry bulletin boards. If you have photos of our youth ministering in any capacity, please send photos to me in jpeg, PNG, or pdf form.

CHAPEL RENOVATION PROJECT: On THURSDAY, August 17th we will be deconstructing the storage units in the chapel and then sanding, painting, staining, & cleaning the chapel from 9am until our foremen (Matt Demencuk & Taylor Pratt) give us the all-clear for the day. WE NEED LOTS of HELP to complete this step in our project in one day!!! I expect we will be at Trinity until 5pm. Please reply if you are able to help and let me know if I need to order you a paintbrush, facemask, or goggles.
*Donations of electric sanders (borrow), sandpaper, goggles, facemasks, paintbrushes and rollers would be appreciated!

FAMILY DINNER: A few amazing Trinity parents have graciously begun planning a dinner to “Meet the Chaplain” and Campus Ministry Q&A with Ms. Zolkos on Tuesday, September 5 at 6pm in our school cafeteria. Campus Ministry and our chapel will be open this evening so that parents can get a peek at all of the wonderful transformations our students and the THS community have helped make possible this summer. All are welcome!!! Please contact Kara Maslowski at: if you’d like to bring desserts or contribute in any way.
MANIC MONDAYS:  I am VERY excited about our plans for Manic Mondays (9/18) and the tremendous support that the THS community is showing in making our Campus Ministry Teen Activity Center ready for the school year! I have received generous support from Mr. Mailloux, friends, and family that includes donations of:
*A 40” Sharp TV                   *PS4 Gaming Console          *Ping Pong table
*2 Corn Hole boards             *Fuse Ball Table                    *One Spike Ball Game
*4 Dodge Balls                      *PS$ Games                          *3 Frisbees
*A Microwave                       *A Keurig                                                      

*New Board Games                 *PS4 Just Dance/Guitar Hero            *6 Dodge Balls
*2 Spike Ball Games                *Decks of Cards & Dice                   *Corn Hole Games
*Nintendo Gaming Console     *Xbox Gaming Console                   *SOFT Frisbees
*Waters/Juice boxes                 *Coffee Pods for Keurig                   *Paper Goods            
*Assortment of Snacks             *Microwave Popcorn Pkgs               *broom/dust pan

If you can help in anyway, please let me know!!! (:

I look forward to working with your families and creating an amazing year of fellowship, service, and lived mission in Campus Ministry.

God bless,
Lisa Zolkos

You will soon be able to follow all of our fun on:
Vimeo: campusministryths


  1. I'm very excited for campus ministry this year!!!

    1. I am excited to play you in ping pong!!!

  2. can't wait for all the campus ministry activities this year!!

  3. Looking forward to volunteering this year!

  4. Can't wait for all the fun in Campus!!

  5. Really looking forward to all the cool stuff we'll be doing!

  6. Campus ministry is really taking off!

  7. I can't wait to face off with Father Jeff in Mario Kart!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. the activities in campus are so much fun! can't wait for the next event!

  10. I'm looking forward to participating in the Campus Ministry events this year!

  11. Can't wait to get to know our school community and learn about our faith while having fun at Campus Ministry!

  12. Campus Ministry is a great way to become closer as a school community, thank you for the opportunity!!

  13. Campus Ministry is a great blessing to the whole Trinity Community. Ms. Zolkos and Father Jeff are spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all. Congratulations on the new Campus Ministry Center.

  14. Campus ministry is a great way for all students to get involved in their school and community. It has changed the way a lot of people interact with each other in a positive way!

  15. Campus ministry is a great way to involve yourself in school activities and being involved makes your high school experience that much better!

  16. The new campus ministry looks great! I can't wait to play all the games and have a ton of fun helping!!

  17. Im so excited for all of the service opportunities this year!

  18. Campus ministry has strengthened my relationship with God!!!

  19. Looking forward to campus ministry this year!

  20. Excited to participate in campus ministry activities and meet new people!

  21. I'm looking forward to all of the activities Campus Ministry has to offer this year!!!

  22. I'm so excited to get involved in new volunteer opportunities through campus ministry!!!

  23. Can't wait to see what activities campus comes up with this year!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Campus ministry is a great addition to Trinity that will get everyone involved in our community! I am excited for what is to come

    1. Me too! I cannot wait for all the new activities and excited events that will come with campus!!!

    2. I love going to campus ministry because it is such a fun and relaxing atmosphere for students who need a little stress reliever throughout their day.

  26. Campus Ministry is a great way to get involved in the Trinity community and grow in your faith at the same time.

  27. This year campus ministry is new and improved and is worth checking out its AWESOME!!

  28. Can't wait to see what amazing things Ms. Z will do!

  29. Campus is a great way to get closer to other students

  30. Campus ministry is a great way for students to get involved in their school community!

  31. Campus ministry is the place to be, there's food and games, it's so fun

  32. I can't wait to volunteer this year with campus and continue to build our Trinity community!

  33. Great addition to a great school!

  34. Campus Ministry this year is going to be so much fun with all the new ideas, fun games, chapel, and service opportunities, I can't wait to get involved with the community!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I can't wait to see what campus ministry will accomplish this year! Hopefully we can do some really cool service projects!

    1. We can do one together!! It will be so much fun :)

  37. I love Campus Ministry! I am so thrilled and excited for all the new additions this year! Great way to bring the Trinity community together!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Campus ministry is great!! I cannot wait to see what this year brings.

  40. Thanks to everyone who donated to campus. I'm excited to participate in all the events.

  41. Campus ministry is a great way to help serve the community and meet people with the same interests as you. Definitely check it out when you get the chance!!! :)

    1. I agree KRISTEN I've already met new people and I've only been in a few times!

  42. Campus ministry is a great place to discover volunteer opportunities and new ways to help the community!

  43. Campus ministry provides a safe, faithful community to go to in times of trouble. It is the backbone of Trinity High School

  44. Campus Ministry has had some amazing opportunities for fun and service and I can't wait for this year.

  45. Absoluty amazed by all of the big changes that have taken place this year. Can't wait to help out in any way possible.

  46. Campus Ministry looks amazing this year. I'm looking forward to helping out at their events to make this year outstanding!

  47. The campus ministry was a great addition to the school. It gives a nice, neutral laceration where you can relax throughout the day.

  48. Im looking forward to being more involved in campus ministry events this year and can't wait to see the awesome things we accomplish!

  49. I love Campus Ministry ! It's an awesome way to excersize faith in school!

  50. Campus ministry is an amazing way to get involved with the community and grow closer to God! So excited to start this year!!

  51. Campus ministry is a great place to learn in faith! So excited to see it grow.

  52. Campus ministry is a great family-like atmosphere and a huge part of the Trinity High School community.

  53. Hyped for campus ministry this year! Let's get guitar hero!!

  54. Looking forward to Campus Ministry this year!

  55. Excited to play some madden during my studies!

  56. Can't wait to participate in all the campus activities!

  57. Campus Ministry is better than ever.


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